I have a vision… board.


LIFE EXPERIENCE:  Happy New Year!  I trust you all had a fun evening – whether you were out on the town celebrating or ringing in 2014 from the comfort of your home.  I spent the evening at home relaxing and reflecting; it was fabulous!  

Today I’m proud to share with you my very first vision board.  (Please excuse the poor photography – my camera and I had a fight.)  I’ve decided to create a vision board with words/phrases that I want to focus on this year.  The board sits directly above my desk in my home office and will be something I see daily.  My hope is the vision board will serve as a reminder of the things I want to experience in 2014.  I’ll provide you with a brief overview:


My mantra this year is:  Honesty, Loyalty & Love.  I want to focus on my relationships – romantic relationships, family relationships, and friendships.  I think these three words apply to all of these relationships and will be something I strive to achieve in 2014.


Live Well:  I want to be healthy, happy and continue to have a rich life.  


Yoga:  To achieve a healthy lifestyle, I need to be more active.  One of the ways in which I plan to do so, is by exploring yoga.  I’ve taken two yoga classes and enjoyed them… and then never went back.  In 2014 I want yoga to become a regular good habit of mine.  


Explore:  I want to experience new things this year.  My goal is exploring something new each month – rock climbing, voice lessons, volunteering, driving to a new town and exploring it, reading a book I’d otherwise never read, etc.  Twelve things to explore/experience in 2014?  That seems reasonable, doesn’t it?


Forward:  One of my favorite quotes is Emerson’s “Finish each day and be done with it.  You have done what you could.  Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can.  Tomorrow is a new day.  You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”  I have had this quote at my desk at work for the last ten years.  It reminds me to not worry about what has happened, but rather to look forward to what’s just around the corner.  2014, bring it on!


Friends:  I love my friends dearly and value the friendships I’ve made this past year.  I’m very much looking forward to maintaining those relationships in 2014 and forming new friendships, too.


Travel:  I hope to travel as much as is feasibly and financially possible in 2014.  My current top 3 (yes, I like lists) destinations are – Iceland, Montreal, and Napa Valley.


Blog:  I started out strong last September, but my blogging waned towards the end of the year.  This year I’d really like to blog 3-4 times a week, to maintain an active site.  If you find that I’ve not posted anything in a few days, please feel free to message me.  The friendly reminders are encouraging!


Move:  I’m seriously considering moving in the spring, so this is a reminder to focus my energies on an apartment search OR plan on staying put for another year.  


Success:  My final word for the new year.  I’ve spent the last year focusing on my new job (which I love!) and now wish to focus my energies on my new part-time business venture.  With more research and planning, I’d like to expand my efforts to service others.

Here’s to a fantastic 2014 – I’m ready to get this year started and can’t wait to see what’s in store!  Happy New Year!


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